Hello there, music lovers! If you're looking for a place to EXPRESS yourself and GROW as a musician you've come to the right spot. Here at the United Conservatory of Music and Art, we believe that everyone has the potential to create and express themselves through music. And this March, we're excited to offer you an amazing deal that we're calling MUSIC MONTH. ALL AGES and SKILL LEVELS are welcome, so whether you're a beginner or an advanced student, our doors are open for you!

For the FIRST 10 to enroll during MUSIC MONTH (March 1-31, 2023), we're offering a WHOPPING $90 OFF on your first month of lessons, giving you the opportunity to start your musical or artistic journey at an unbeatable price.

At the United Conservatory of Music and Art, we know that music and art are universal languages that can be enjoyed by anyone, no matter their age or background. That's why we offer a variety of classes and programs that cater to your unique interests and needs. Whether you're into rock, pop, jazz, classical, or anything in between, we have a perfect class.

Our experienced instructors are experts in their fields and dedicated mentors who will help you achieve your goals, no matter how big or small they may be. We believe that learning music or art should be fun and engaging, so we always strive to create a warm and welcoming environment where everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves.

Don't miss this incredible opportunity to START your musical journey with the UCMA. Enroll now and take advantage of our LIMITED-TIME offer. We can't wait to see you in class!


ART MONTH March 2023


U Can Make Music Promo